Best Lawn Care Service: Considerations for Scheduling Commercial Lawn Treatment

Commercial properties get a lot of visitors, which can damage their lawns and gardens in the long run. This is why it’s crucial to maintain them regularly.

However, as important as scheduling lawn care services is, it is also essential to consider a few aspects before assigning the dates. This is primarily because many variables (like climate, timing of weeding or new plantations, etc.) need to be planned out for each specific case according to the prevalent conditions and soil type.

Continue reading as we explore the aspects you should consider when scheduling professional lawn treatment services for your commercial property.

What to Consider for Commercial Property Maintenance Scheduling for Lawns?

Considering the following three aspects when scheduling lawn clean up services is essential to ensuring your turf remains disease and pest-free all year round.

  1. Assessing the State of Your Lawn

The first consideration is considering your commercial lawn’s current condition and status. There are three significant things you need to examine:

Weeds or Pests

Step out onto the lawn to see whether weeds are growing on it. For example, you may notice perennial weeds like wood sorrel and dandelion, or if it is summer, you may notice summer grass or other warm-weather weeds.

Take note of how much area the weeds have covered and how many patches of your lawn are affected. If it helps, you may take pictures to show to professionals. Doing this helps save time and correctly determine the kind of treatment needed for the lawn.

Additionally, look for pests like termites, ants, rodents, etc., by examining holes in the lawn that may hint at tunnels underneath or ant hills.

Type of Grass

Knowing the type of grass planted on your commercial lawn is essential because this information determines the lawn service schedule for the entire year.

Typically, the professionals would use this information to plan spring, summer, and fall fertilization and winter weeding for your lawn. They will also plan the type of fertilizer to be used, such as quick-release fertilizer during summer and final weed and feed during autumn, etc.

Type of Soil

The soil type is an important consideration that helps determine how best to nourish the grass with fertilizers and which weed control methods to use. Some soils may be nutrient-rich, whereas others lack necessary aeration or drainage properties.

Knowing these aspects helps the professionals plan an aeration schedule and the type of fertilizers to use. It also helps them consider bringing additional, high-nutrient soil onto the premises if it helps the lawn.

  1. Assessing Climatic Impact and Grass Type for Lawn Care Scheduling

About six different types of grasses are used on commercial lawns, including Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, bentgrass, and zoysiagrass. Each type of grass has its requirements for soil, climate, irrigation, nutrients, and even shade.

Knowing the types of grass planted on your commercial property is essential so that the professionals can facilitate the most optimal conditions for the lawn to flourish.

For example, Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season grass and is quite durable. It may not require as much care or maintenance as Zoysia grass, which doesn’t do well in the cold season.

Additionally, knowing about various grass types will also help you determine the suitability of each one for your commercial establishments:

  • Kentucky bluegrass: Used most for commercial lawns and sports fields because it is highly durable and cold-resistant.
  • Fine fescue: This cool-climate, shade-loving grass is most suitable for golf courses and commercial lawns.
  • Perennial ryegrass: This cool-season grass is most commonly used for overseeding and covering bald patches in existing lawns. It is also suitable for high-traffic areas.
  • Tall fescue: A highly resilient grass that can survive various climates and soil conditions. It is highly suitable for landscaping.
  • Bentgrass: This grass is resistant to close-mowing, making it well-suited to ornamental lawns in commercial areas, golf courses, etc.
  • Zoysiagrass: This is a drought-tolerant warm-season grass, making it suitable for large, sprawling lawns in commercial zones.

If a particular type of grass is not performing well on the soil of your commercial establishment, a professional can help you change it or make arrangements for the existing grass to thrive. They achieve this by creating a detailed grass-care schedule depending on the climatic impact on the grass all year round.

  1. Scheduling Lawn Treatments Based on Seasons

Caring for a commercial lawn involves planning the entire year of treatments. It is important to get professional help for this exercise to achieve the best results for the investment you have made in your commercial lawn.

Discussed below is the seasonal lawn care activity that must be scheduled to ensure that your commercial lawn stays lush and pest-free:


Schedule the first application of a slow-release fertilizer during the spring season. This ensures that the soil remains nutrified enough to sustain the grass while the climatic conditions are right.

It also helps ensure that the grass that grows is richly green in colour and the growth is dense. Some fertilizers also contain compounds that stunt weed growth, eliminating any need for weeding during the season.


As the climate gets hotter, your commercial lawn requires more nutrients to survive. This makes quick-release fertilizer the best choice to sustain the grass and keep it healthy throughout the hot season.

It is best to consult your lawn care services professionals to determine which type of fast-release fertilizer to use, depending on the nutrient stores of your soil. This will help cover the nutrient gaps through fertilization.


As the temperature drops, the lawn needs one final care routine to help it recover from the damage during summertime and prepare for the winter ahead. The weed and feed application should be scheduled before the first frost sets in. Typically, the professionals apply a pre-emergent weed control to stop weeds from germinating during the winter.

Lawn clean up services also help you prepare your lawn for the winter by aerating the soil, removing debris, etc.


While in the winter, most grasses remain dormant, the weeds may still grow. This is why most professionals apply pre-emergent weed control, preventing weeds from growing on your sprawling lawn.

Benefits of Scheduling Lawn Treatments

There are several key benefits to scheduling professional lawn care for your commercial property maintenance:

  • Your lawn stays healthy, lush, and green for most of the year. Aside from winters when there is commercial snow on the lawn, the grass in your lawn remains healthy and beautifully survives the harsh weather.
  • Scheduling timely lawn treatment with professionals ensures you catch problems early on and nip them in the bud. For example, it enables you to discover pest infestations early before they become unmanageable or a disease that can be eliminated quickly before it spreads.
  • Following a timely schedule for commercial lawn maintenance helps save your establishment money in the long run. This is because all potential lawn problems are identified early and eliminated. The grass is well-tended, and all the plantation and landscaping elements receive timely care, which helps reduce the emergency care needed to bring a lawn back to life.
  • The most significant advantage is that the lawn remains aesthetically pleasing all year round. It is green and flowered up during the spring season, well-tended to and neat during the summers, clean and leaf-free during autumn, and sustained during winter.

Additionally, the best lawn care service providers offer customized treatment plans tailored to your needs. They have the expertise and knowledge to assess your lawn’s condition and recommend the most appropriate treatments and services to keep it healthy and vibrant.

Dependable Lawn: The Best Lawn Services in Mississauga

Maintenance of commercial lawns is simple, provided you partner with the best lawn care service in your area.

At Dependable Lawn, we take the complexity out of commercial lawn upkeep by meticulously documenting every aspect of your lawn. We keep track of everything from grass type to soil quality, common issues, planting requirements, and landscaping maintenance.

To understand our services in more detail, contact us on the website today!



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